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- Causal Effect of Ambulatory Specialty Care on Mortality Following Myocardial Infarction: A Comparison of Propensity Score and Instrumental Variable Analyses. Landrum Mary Beth, Ayanian John Z. Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology; 2001
- Causal Inference in the Health Sciences: A Conceptual Introduction. Pearl Judea. Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology; 2001
- Glossary: causality in public health science. Susser M. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health; 2001
- Causality in medicine: the case of tumours and viruses. Vonka V. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London.Series B, Biological sciences; 2000
- Causal inference without counterfactuals – Comment. Casella G., Schwartz S.P. Journal of the American Statistical Association; 2000
- Causal inference without counterfactuals – Comment. Cox D.R. Journal of the American Statistical Association; 2000