Resources for Causal Reasoning in Health Services Research

Counterfactual quantities

Using structural model semantics, Pearl gives definitions of six counterfactual quantities.

Let Y_a be a random variable representing a binary outcome Y after a binary treatment X is forced to value a; and let x and y denote events X=1 and Y=1, and x', y' their complements.

Probability that the absence of event x would prevent event y, given that in fact x and y did occur. — attribution

    \[P(Y_0=0\vert x, y)\]

Probability that the presence of event x would produce event y, given that in fact x and y did not occur. — susceptibility

    \[P(Y_1=1\vert x^{\prime}, y^{\prime})\]

Probability that the absence of event x would prevent event y and the presence of event x would produce event y. — necessary and sufficient cause

    \[P(Y_0=0, Y_1=1)\]

Probability that the absence of event x would prevent event y, given that in fact y did occur. — proportion of observed cases in the total population that would not have occurred had the population been entirely unexposed (disablement)

    \[P(Y_0=0\vert y)\]

Probability that the presence of event x would produce event y, given that in fact y did not occur. — enablement

    \[P(Y_1=1\vert y^{\prime})\]

Probability that the presence of event x would produce event y, given that in fact x did not occur. — Effect of treatment on the treated

    \[P(Y_1=1\vert x^{\prime})\]